she : can u wait longer for me?
he : forever?
she : are u sure?
he : if u someday will be mine for sure, then yes
she : :') i cant understand how's ur way of thinkin, why do u wanna wait for me longer?
he : coz u're the only one
she : how if there were another lovely woman?
he : no, it's only you
she : you dont know what would happened
he : i dont care
she : how if ur friend tht u really liked were broken up with her bf n asked u to be her bf?
he : she hurt me too much, you know i'm starting to not suffer her anymore
she : i wanna do anything to be with u
he : me too
-a very dramatic conversation they had-
Apr 4, 2010
Mar 25, 2010
words and songs
Words to say
But So far, we're impossibility
Songs to sing
It's been a month I feel so different. I couldnt really explain what the differences were
I could say it's beautiful, but it's not really the appropriate word to describe
I could say it's a happiness, but it's also not really the appropriate word to describe
I could say it's strange, hmmm from 1 to 10 scale. It would be 8 and a half
It's not that unbelievable, not that a love things either
It feels so good to me even some sadness exist on it
There's smile, laugh, and left-chest-light pain dominated
But there are also anxiety, paranoia and doubt involved
For me, I would like to say "i hope" much more than "i wish"
I could say it's a happiness, but it's also not really the appropriate word to describe
I could say it's strange, hmmm from 1 to 10 scale. It would be 8 and a half
It's not that unbelievable, not that a love things either
It feels so good to me even some sadness exist on it
There's smile, laugh, and left-chest-light pain dominated
But there are also anxiety, paranoia and doubt involved
For me, I would like to say "i hope" much more than "i wish"
It's new to me
I've got some new names, I've lost some life principles
I've never felt like this, n never been in this situation before
I've got some new names, I've lost some life principles
I've never felt like this, n never been in this situation before
owh. it's a magic too
But So far, we're impossibility
Songs to sing
I've been watching your world from afar,
I've been trying to be where you are,
And I've been secretly falling apart, unseen.
To me, you're strange and you're beautiful,
You'd be so perfect with me but you just can't see,
You turn every head but you don't see me.
I'll put a spell on you,
You'll fall asleep and I'll put a spell on you.
And when I wake you,
I'll be the first thing you see,
And you'll realise that you love me.
Sometimes, the last thing you want comes in first,
Sometimes, the first thing you want never comes,
And I know, the waiting is all you can do,
-aqualung, strange and beautiful-
I've been trying to be where you are,
And I've been secretly falling apart, unseen.
To me, you're strange and you're beautiful,
You'd be so perfect with me but you just can't see,
You turn every head but you don't see me.
I'll put a spell on you,
You'll fall asleep and I'll put a spell on you.
And when I wake you,
I'll be the first thing you see,
And you'll realise that you love me.
Sometimes, the last thing you want comes in first,
Sometimes, the first thing you want never comes,
And I know, the waiting is all you can do,
-aqualung, strange and beautiful-
Our day will come
And we'll have everything.
We'll share the joy
Falling in love can bring.
No one can tell me
That I'm too young to know
Cause I love you so
And you love me, love me.
Our day will come
If we just wait a while.
No tears for us
Think love and wear a smile.
And our dreams are meant to be
Because we'll always stay
In love this way
Our day will come.
-Jamie cullum, our day will come-
And I know someday that it'll all turn out.
You'll make me work so we can work to work it out.
And promise you, kid, that I'll give so much more than I get.
I just haven't met you yet.
I might have to wait.
I'll never give up.
I guess it's half timing,
And the other half's luck.
Wherever you are.
Whenever it's right.
You'll come out of nowhere and into my life.
-michael bubble, havent met you yet-
And we'll have everything.
We'll share the joy
Falling in love can bring.
No one can tell me
That I'm too young to know
Cause I love you so
And you love me, love me.
Our day will come
If we just wait a while.
No tears for us
Think love and wear a smile.
And our dreams are meant to be
Because we'll always stay
In love this way
Our day will come.
-Jamie cullum, our day will come-
And I know someday that it'll all turn out.
You'll make me work so we can work to work it out.
And promise you, kid, that I'll give so much more than I get.
I just haven't met you yet.
I might have to wait.
I'll never give up.
I guess it's half timing,
And the other half's luck.
Wherever you are.
Whenever it's right.
You'll come out of nowhere and into my life.
-michael bubble, havent met you yet-
Feb 15, 2010
Heart without a soul
like a bird without wings.
It's goin somewhere
Hey.. How long you will be there?
but Im goin to take it back
n Im goin
to keep it here
to save it
to give to someone that is worthy for
like a bird without wings.
It's goin somewhere
Hey.. How long you will be there?
but Im goin to take it back
n Im goin
to keep it here
to save it
to give to someone that is worthy for
Feb 11, 2010
Recently, I usually feel bored and prefer to stay in dormitories. Exactly, coz Im lazy!! I just wanna stay home. Dunno why, whereas I feel bored home too. lol. I try something new. I just found Omegle, recommendation from my cyber friend. He says it sometimes fill our leisure time in. It's nothing, honestly! but you should try lol
omegle is situs for chatting. it's nothing rite? but the interesting part is that omegle randoming ur chat partner. You talk to stranger, you cant choose anyone coz the omegle choose it.
this is the site :
The first rule : Say Hi !!!
and the next is up to you and ur partner of chatting!!
this is one of the conversation I've made with turkish.
omegle is situs for chatting. it's nothing rite? but the interesting part is that omegle randoming ur chat partner. You talk to stranger, you cant choose anyone coz the omegle choose it.
this is the site :
The first rule : Say Hi !!!
and the next is up to you and ur partner of chatting!!
this is one of the conversation I've made with turkish.
What do you see here? i just say nothing. just try to spend my boring time. lol
the annoying part :
as other common chatting site, here, you can find annoying people with sexual desire that is frustated. lol It's annoying for me. But you can click "disconnect" if you want make it over. Simple. But sometimes, you meet lovely person that you can talk too
the funny one :
Once, I've made someone that is so ridiculos. She call herself as Disconnect maker. I've talked to her for 30 minutes. She always try to make me upset, she's abusing, n said many kind of dirty words. But I know what she wants. She wants me to disconnect. But I didnt make it over. It's funny how she try to make it over. lol Coz I have already sleepy, I leaved her to bed. In the morning, I see some abusing words from her, n It's already disconnected. I dont know whether She or the server that makes it done.
If you're interested, you can visit this site. Believe me It wont make your leisure time run out well, but talking to strangers is sometimes funny. You can try among ur cyber activity!!
Tips :
not to be open to the strangers and
feel free to say anything lol
Alhamdulilah, referat saya yang berjudul VOLVULUS berakhir juga. Walaupun belum presentasi kasus, tapi yang penting it's already done. Terimakasih y 4JJI, terimakasih juga untuk siapapun yang membantu. Karena referat ini telah banyak menyita waktu dan pikiran, baik dalam pengerjaannya maupun pre-pengerjaannya (stres karena belum mengerjakan referat di minggu 8 stase bedah).
Bagi yang membutuhkan referensi yang berkaitan dengan volvulus, saya menyediakan link untuk mendownload. Setahu saya belum ada referensi volvulus dalam bahasa yang beredar di internet. Semoga bermanfaat.
this is the link:
Bagi yang membutuhkan referensi yang berkaitan dengan volvulus, saya menyediakan link untuk mendownload. Setahu saya belum ada referensi volvulus dalam bahasa yang beredar di internet. Semoga bermanfaat.
this is the link:
Feb 3, 2010
I Call Him Mr.Bond
My life, lately, is super messed up.
Entah karena kamar berantakan, pasca stase bedah saraf yang menyita waktu dan pikiran, karena boros dalam pemakaian uang, dan karena hal hal lain yang tidak dapat disebutkan satu persatu. Haha.
Perjalanan saya di stase bedah terasa sangat melelahkan. Orang-orang bilang stase bedah santai. Hmm tapi engga buat saya dan kawan2 seperjuangan di stase ini. Setiap jaga, konsulan bejibun, pasang WSD (sistem drainase untuk mengeluarkan cairan berlebihan di rongga dada). berkali-kali. Jaga IGD dari jam 2 siang sampai 6 pagi trus dilanjut musti follow up pasien pagi harinya, kayanya bikin tenaga habis bis bis,,, Jaga IGD hari ini, istirahatnya cuma dua hari, besoknya lagi udah jaga lagi. whuaaa.. kyanya Nitemare banget..
But that's life, kalau ga dijalanin, masa mau diberhentiin. hehe. well, yang paling penting itu gimana saya bisa mengatasi atau paling tidak mencegah supaya hari hari itu tidak bertambah buruk. Yep, Ada beberapa faktor yang tentunya berpengaruh. Untuk membuat mood tetap hidup, ada faktor internal yang harus saya bangun supaya kehidupan melelahkan terasa ringan dan berjalan dengan cepat. Standar.. berpikir positive, dan kerjakan dengan ikhlas.. Lainya harus bisa ekstra memanfaatkan waktu untuk dibagi antara tidur, kerja dan belajar. Sekali kali kabur ke Sri Ratu untuk main PUMPP. hahay.
Faktor eksternal yang tidak bisa dikendalikan secara langsung kira-kira meliputi Siapa teman jaganya, Siapa residen bedahnya, berapa banyak jumlah konsulan bedah dan sebagainya. Ini semua sangat menentukan mood dan keberhasilan saya saat jaga. Kalau jaganya melelahkan, konsulan banyak, ekstra dimarahin residen, esok paginya pasti ngantuk dan ga semangat belajar, semua jadi ga maksimal. :D
By The Way, soal Residen Bedah
Residen bedah itu menentukan sekali ritmis pekerjaan seorang koas saat jaga. Seorang residen bedah bisa saja menuntut koasnya untuk mengerjakan konsulan dan kerjaan lainnya, apa, berapa lama, siapa saja, bagaimana dst. Kalau tingkat keRESEannya keterlaluan, bisa gawat nih. prognosis malam alias buruk, bisa ga tidur semaleman.Biasanya Residen bedah punya masa residensial di RS Margono selama satu bulan, dengan jumlah dua orang saja. Jalinan komunikasi ? the keys are santai dan profesional, the rest is beres.
Selama kurang lebih dua bulan saya menjalani stase bedah, ada empat residen yang jadi teman sejawat. And i'm gonna tell you one of them. I call him Mr.Bond
The Confession of S*it Starts Here
Beliau senangnya ngasih koas tentiran. He loves reading surgery textbook and he always giving his hand to his co-assistant
He's so simple alias sederhana banget. (huaaaaa.. melting deh gw). When he examine the patient ,he does so gently. Serious, slowly and appropriate. How he look, touch, feel and listen the patient..'s so touchy. That's one big point for me, mister Bonddd!!! Love it Muchhh.
Tiga minggu jaga IGD dengan frekuensi setiap tiga hari sekali, dari jam 2 siang hingga 6 pagi penuh dengan kegiatan melelahkan, tapi saya tetap menjalaninya dengan semangat, malah kalau ada konsulan bedah umum "Gw aja yang ngerjain, ntr gw yang konsulin ama doi" Hehehe
Best Experiences with him
Part I.
Suatu saat, ada konsulan kasus appendistis (radang usus buntu) yang ternyata harus dilakukan tindakan operatif segera. Seperti biasa, Im so Eager, mengurus konsulan dari memeriksa pasien, melaporkan ke residen hingga menjadi asisten operasi di ruang operasi IGD.
Hal tersalah dari diri saya adalah bersemangat bukan karena kasusnya, tapi karena residenya, :D tapi tidak masalah, bukan dosa besar. Niatnya Ilmu dapat, senangnya juga dapat. Yay!
This is my first time, dimana saya merasa percaya diri untuk jadi asisten operasi. Selain karena penata operasi yang ini baik dan mau ngajarin, sang residen pujaan juga bukan tipe yang pemarah kalau koasnya salah. Jadi operasi kali ini sangat menyenangkan. But the best part of this moment is that this operation is so hard. Sang appendiks menempel di belakang caecum (ujung usus halus) dan membuat pelaksana operasi keribetan dan Lelah mencari!!!! Lelah megangin Haag, berdiri dengan posisi tubuh aneh, dan butuh tenaga ekstra! but overall, im so happy. Saya merasa berguna 100% di operasi kali ini. We work cooperatively, so hard and so close to each other (sebelahnya mr.Bond, aaaaaaaaa...)
setelah operasi
Saya : wah terima kasih dokter, saya sudah diajari
dr.bondan : lho saya yang terimakasih lho dek, udah dibantuin!!
T.T nangis menitikan airmata karena merasa punya eksistensi tinggi disini. heheheh thats very kind of u
Part II
Ternyata eh ternyata, beliau ini adalah seorang pemain gitar. Sejak awal disini, ia meminjam gitar kepunyaan koas di stase lain. Saya pikir wajar, stick with hobby when u're in leisure time. But the final day He was here, We sing some songs. What a lovely day I had.
the list of the song :
MYMP - Especially for you
Maliq and d'essential - Dia
dan beberapa lagu jadul such as Fourplay - The closer i get to you
Agan-agan semua, Those moment n those songs will always be my memories
Thnx to Allah SWT for introducing me a him and giving me some best moment
Thanx to dr.Bondan Prasetyo for dealing me some lesson, for inspiring me how to be a good doctor, and for giving me fire for some moment
He was away
My life, lately, becomes messed up again T.T
But that's life, kalau ga dijalanin, masa mau diberhentiin. hehe. well, yang paling penting itu gimana saya bisa mengatasi atau paling tidak mencegah supaya hari hari itu tidak bertambah buruk. Yep, Ada beberapa faktor yang tentunya berpengaruh. Untuk membuat mood tetap hidup, ada faktor internal yang harus saya bangun supaya kehidupan melelahkan terasa ringan dan berjalan dengan cepat. Standar.. berpikir positive, dan kerjakan dengan ikhlas.. Lainya harus bisa ekstra memanfaatkan waktu untuk dibagi antara tidur, kerja dan belajar. Sekali kali kabur ke Sri Ratu untuk main PUMPP. hahay.
Faktor eksternal yang tidak bisa dikendalikan secara langsung kira-kira meliputi Siapa teman jaganya, Siapa residen bedahnya, berapa banyak jumlah konsulan bedah dan sebagainya. Ini semua sangat menentukan mood dan keberhasilan saya saat jaga. Kalau jaganya melelahkan, konsulan banyak, ekstra dimarahin residen, esok paginya pasti ngantuk dan ga semangat belajar, semua jadi ga maksimal. :D
By The Way, soal Residen Bedah
Residen bedah itu menentukan sekali ritmis pekerjaan seorang koas saat jaga. Seorang residen bedah bisa saja menuntut koasnya untuk mengerjakan konsulan dan kerjaan lainnya, apa, berapa lama, siapa saja, bagaimana dst. Kalau tingkat keRESEannya keterlaluan, bisa gawat nih. prognosis malam alias buruk, bisa ga tidur semaleman.Biasanya Residen bedah punya masa residensial di RS Margono selama satu bulan, dengan jumlah dua orang saja. Jalinan komunikasi ? the keys are santai dan profesional, the rest is beres.
Selama kurang lebih dua bulan saya menjalani stase bedah, ada empat residen yang jadi teman sejawat. And i'm gonna tell you one of them. I call him Mr.Bond
The Confession of S*it Starts Here
He's so damn misterious, smart, gentle, and nerd :D
Beliau senangnya ngasih koas tentiran. He loves reading surgery textbook and he always giving his hand to his co-assistant
He's so simple alias sederhana banget. (huaaaaa.. melting deh gw). When he examine the patient ,he does so gently. Serious, slowly and appropriate. How he look, touch, feel and listen the patient..'s so touchy. That's one big point for me, mister Bonddd!!! Love it Muchhh.
Tiga minggu jaga IGD dengan frekuensi setiap tiga hari sekali, dari jam 2 siang hingga 6 pagi penuh dengan kegiatan melelahkan, tapi saya tetap menjalaninya dengan semangat, malah kalau ada konsulan bedah umum "Gw aja yang ngerjain, ntr gw yang konsulin ama doi" Hehehe
And You Knowww??? He's such a great dopamin
Melebihi efek segelas ice coffemix tanpa gula yang juga jadi teman saya selama jaga.Best Experiences with him
Part I.
Suatu saat, ada konsulan kasus appendistis (radang usus buntu) yang ternyata harus dilakukan tindakan operatif segera. Seperti biasa, Im so Eager, mengurus konsulan dari memeriksa pasien, melaporkan ke residen hingga menjadi asisten operasi di ruang operasi IGD.
Hal tersalah dari diri saya adalah bersemangat bukan karena kasusnya, tapi karena residenya, :D tapi tidak masalah, bukan dosa besar. Niatnya Ilmu dapat, senangnya juga dapat. Yay!
This is my first time, dimana saya merasa percaya diri untuk jadi asisten operasi. Selain karena penata operasi yang ini baik dan mau ngajarin, sang residen pujaan juga bukan tipe yang pemarah kalau koasnya salah. Jadi operasi kali ini sangat menyenangkan. But the best part of this moment is that this operation is so hard. Sang appendiks menempel di belakang caecum (ujung usus halus) dan membuat pelaksana operasi keribetan dan Lelah mencari!!!! Lelah megangin Haag, berdiri dengan posisi tubuh aneh, dan butuh tenaga ekstra! but overall, im so happy. Saya merasa berguna 100% di operasi kali ini. We work cooperatively, so hard and so close to each other (sebelahnya mr.Bond, aaaaaaaaa...)
setelah operasi
Saya : wah terima kasih dokter, saya sudah diajari
dr.bondan : lho saya yang terimakasih lho dek, udah dibantuin!!
T.T nangis menitikan airmata karena merasa punya eksistensi tinggi disini. heheheh thats very kind of u
Part II
Ternyata eh ternyata, beliau ini adalah seorang pemain gitar. Sejak awal disini, ia meminjam gitar kepunyaan koas di stase lain. Saya pikir wajar, stick with hobby when u're in leisure time. But the final day He was here, We sing some songs. What a lovely day I had.
the list of the song :
MYMP - Especially for you
Maliq and d'essential - Dia
dan beberapa lagu jadul such as Fourplay - The closer i get to you
Agan-agan semua, Those moment n those songs will always be my memories
Thnx to Allah SWT for introducing me a him and giving me some best moment
Thanx to dr.Bondan Prasetyo for dealing me some lesson, for inspiring me how to be a good doctor, and for giving me fire for some moment
He was away
My life, lately, becomes messed up again T.T
Saya kembali beraktifitas seperti biasa. I know he's gone. But the life goes on. Saya berusaha untuk kembali semangat belajar, karena sebentar lagi minggu ujian. Jadi teringat pesan beliau yang terakhir : "rajin belajar yha" :D Yes, I will, mister!
FOr You..
The closer I get to you
The more you make me see
By giving me all you've got
Your love has captured me
Over and over again
I try to tell myself that we
Could never be more than friends
And all the while inside
I knew it was real
The way you make me feel
The closer i get to you - Fourplay
The more you make me see
By giving me all you've got
Your love has captured me
Over and over again
I try to tell myself that we
Could never be more than friends
And all the while inside
I knew it was real
The way you make me feel
The closer i get to you - Fourplay
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