Recently, I usually feel bored and prefer to stay in dormitories. Exactly, coz Im lazy!! I just wanna stay home. Dunno why, whereas I feel bored home too. lol. I try something new. I just found Omegle, recommendation from my cyber friend. He says it sometimes fill our leisure time in. It's nothing, honestly! but you should try lol
omegle is situs for chatting. it's nothing rite? but the interesting part is that omegle randoming ur chat partner. You talk to stranger, you cant choose anyone coz the omegle choose it.
this is the site :

The first rule : Say Hi !!!
and the next is up to you and ur partner of chatting!!
this is one of the conversation I've made with turkish.

omegle is situs for chatting. it's nothing rite? but the interesting part is that omegle randoming ur chat partner. You talk to stranger, you cant choose anyone coz the omegle choose it.
this is the site :

The first rule : Say Hi !!!
and the next is up to you and ur partner of chatting!!
this is one of the conversation I've made with turkish.

What do you see here? i just say nothing. just try to spend my boring time. lol
the annoying part :
as other common chatting site, here, you can find annoying people with sexual desire that is frustated. lol It's annoying for me. But you can click "disconnect" if you want make it over. Simple. But sometimes, you meet lovely person that you can talk too
the funny one :
Once, I've made someone that is so ridiculos. She call herself as Disconnect maker. I've talked to her for 30 minutes. She always try to make me upset, she's abusing, n said many kind of dirty words. But I know what she wants. She wants me to disconnect. But I didnt make it over. It's funny how she try to make it over. lol Coz I have already sleepy, I leaved her to bed. In the morning, I see some abusing words from her, n It's already disconnected. I dont know whether She or the server that makes it done.
If you're interested, you can visit this site. Believe me It wont make your leisure time run out well, but talking to strangers is sometimes funny. You can try among ur cyber activity!!
Tips :
not to be open to the strangers and
feel free to say anything lol
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